Lower Emerald Pool trail  
tree :: Owen Magee's Photos :: Thanksgiving 2002 Utah/Colorado Vacation :: Day 2: Zion National Park, UT :: Lower Emerald Pool trail  
When I was last at Zion (when I was 5 or 6), my philosophy about vacations was that you go on vacations to *see* things. Things that you can't see back home (and since I'm from the Mississippi Delta, just about any change in elevation was something novel). You *don't* go on vacation to talk to people. You can do that all you want at home. People are everywhere; mountains and waterfalls and canyons are not. My parents and I were on our way back down the Emerald Pools trail, when my parents stopped to talk to some people. And talk and talk and talk. I was ready to be on my way, and had no patience for all this talking. So I took off. My parents didn't notice I was gone for about 5 or 10 minutes (they must have really been into their talking), and by that point, I was long gone. They went running after me, asking along the way if anybody had seen a little red-headed kid go by. "Oh, yeah, and he was truckin'!" They finally caught up with me just about at the end of the trail. My mom demanded that, since I was revisiting Zion, I take the Emerald Pools trail again. She figured that this time, no one would mind if I took off by myself. I took this picture so that I could say, "Here's where I took off and left my parents behind." So...Here's where I took off and left my parents behind.
Date: 23 November 2002
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Lower Emerald Pool trail
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